Currently at capacity!
Registration for Fall 2025 will open in April.
K-5th Grade Beginner Acting Classes​
Instructor: Lauren S. Parker
This drama class focuses on beginner to intermediate skills including projection, stage directions, expressions, improvisation and team work through fun game-like exercises. We focus on rudimentary acting, dance and vocal skills. Our semesters end with a showcase and/or a short one-act production put on by the students.​​
Ages: K-5th Grade
Dates: Tuesdays, January 28 - May 14, 2025
Time: 4-5pm
Price: $300 for 16 weeks (scripts included)
Monthly payment plans may be available, upon request.
End of Semester Production: May 17, 2025 (subject to change)​​
Acting Classes
6th Grade+ Intermediate Acting Classes​
Instructor: Lauren S. Parker
This drama class focuses on intermediate to advanced skills including auditioning, monologues, dialogues, improvisation and team work through games, scenes and creation. We focus on continuing to build acting, dance and vocal skills. This semester is focused on technical theatre and will end with several student directed, managed, and acted performances. ​
Ages: 6th & Up
Dates: Tuesdays, January 28 - May 14, 2025
Time: 5-6:30pm
Price: $300 for 16 weeks (scripts included)
Monthly payment plans may be available, upon request.
End of Semester Production: TBD
This class includes participation in the student improv troupe, "Baguette it Again!".
Currently at capacity!
Registration for Fall 2025 will open in April.
Musical Theatre Intensive
Ages 12-19; prerequisites must be met to register.
Instructors: Lauren S. Parker, Danielle Comeau, Patrick Stepp
NEW! This is a musical theater intensive class, taught by LTG's acting, dance, and vocal instructors to bring to stage a full-length teen or youth version of a musical (adult content removed or changed, vocal ranges adjusted, sometimes larger ensemble for more opportunity). This class meets bi-monthly for five hours to learn intense choreography, train vocally, and be blocked. Thursday night classes will be for individual or small groups - those dates will be known following the audition part of the class.
This class is an intensive and does have prerequisites before registering: each student is required to have completed at least one class, camp, or equivalent training/hours to qualify for this program. Each student is required to come to all classes unless otherwise noted and required to be at any and all show dates.
All interested students may fill out a pre-registration form and will be notified if they qualify and/or if there is space in the class.
The class ends in a fully actualized and popular TEEN EDITION musical which will culminate into a one weekend mainstage show. Each student will receive two tickets with their tuition.
Musical Theatre Intensive Information:
12-19 (on May 25, 2025)
Dates & Times:
Thursdays 4:30-6:30p (March 13 - May 22, 2025)
Saturdays 9a-2p (March 15 - May 17, 2025)
Production Dates: Friday, May 23 & Saturday, May 24 at 7:30pm; Sunday, May 25 at 3pm
Price: $400 for the full class. Discounts available for those enrolled in other Spring 2025 class(es)!
Monthly payment plans and/or scholarships may be available, upon request. ​
Only FIVE spots remaining!
Dance Classes
5, 6, 7, 8!
Beginner Musical Theatre Dance Classes​
Instructor: Danielle Comeau
This musical theatre dance class focuses on beginner to intermediate skills including learning to understand your body through rhythm and basic musical theatre terms and steps, to ensure you can keep up at your next dance call audition! The last class of every month will be a showcase of what was taught. The goal of this class, apart from simply teaching dance, is building confidence in this skill.
Ages: 3rd Grade+
Dates: Wednesdays, January 29 - May 15, 2025
Time: 5:30-6:30pm
Price: $300 for 16 weeks
Monthly payment plans may be available, upon request.
End of Semester Production: TBD
Improv Classes

From the Top!
Student Led Teen-Based Improvisational Classes​
Student Instructor: Jude Novak
Educational Supervisor: Lauren S. Parker
This class is centered around learning the cornerstone of theatre: improv. Student led, teens will work with their peers to find confidence on stage, explore their creative solutions, and have fun with educational games and exercises to stretch their imagination! The semester will end with a fun improv night, curated by the class. All experience levels welcome!
Ages: 12-18
Dates: Select Fridays between February 7th - May 16th, 2025
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Price: FREE
Participation and attendance is required to remain in the program.
End of Semester Production: TBD
Voice Classes

Vocal Acting & Technique Class
Instructor: Patrick Stepp
This vocal acting class focuses on beginner to intermediate skills including breathing techniques, preparing audition songs, finding vocal range, and acting/performing while singing through fun exercises. We focus on rudimentary acting and vocal skills. Our semesters end with a concert showcase put on by students.
Ages: 3rd Grade+
Dates: Mondays, January 27 - May 13, 2025
Time: Private Lessons
Price: $300 for 14 weeks
Monthly payment plans may be available, upon request.
End of Semester Production: TBD
Class Productions
Aesop's Fables (Fall 2022)
Alice (Spring 2023)
The Jungle Book (Fall 2023)
Beauty (Spring 2024)
Peter Pan (Fall 2024)
The Secret Garden (Spring 2025)
Monologues (Fall 2022)
Dialogues (Spring 2023)
Midsummer's Night Dream (Fall 2023)
OZ (Spring 2024)
Our Town (Fall 2024)
Star Tech (Spring 2025)
Masterclasses & Workshops
Currently none offered at this time.
Check back soon!